Whip Gallant

Recently, Atlantic Directional Inc utilized the services of Kambi Enterprises Inc to assist in trouble shooting a chronic problem on a rig we were drilling on. A Kambi team was dispatched out to location to try one of their tools and help troubleshoot the issues that our mwd tools were experiencing on this particular rig. With the Kambi electrical background and experience, the problem was found to be with the electrical grounding on the rig. This was presented to the client in a very professional manner by the Kambi representative. After hearing their findings the client elected to give us another chance to try our tools after the rig was repaired to the Kambi specifications, helping to save our reputation as well as preventing some financial loss for Atlantic Directional lnc. The next well went without incident.

The drilling contractor as well was relieved to find their issues, there were other directional companies in the recent past that had issues on that rig, giving it a bad reputation. Because of the efforts of Ewert Munoz and the rest of the Kambi Team, Atlantic Directional Inc is still working for this client and have regained their trust for future wells. A big thank you to all the Kambi team for assisting us in the troubleshooting, reporting and the time that was spent visiting with our client to explain why the problem existed. As a result I would highly recommend the services of Kambi Enterprises to my peers and colleagues as an exceptionally technical, service-oriented company.


Chris Afseth


Jim Stobie