

Measurements While Drilling Services

In-house repair, maintenance, development, and quality control departments enhance our reliability along with strict usage and tool life tracking which allows KAMBI to maintain a dependable fleet of MWD tools.

We are continually advancing our services, leading the way as the industry evolves. KAMBI’s strict calibration and testing procedures ensure customers get the very best equipment delivered to their projects. To supply directional information, gamma and resistivity logging, KAMBI offers:

KAMBI Mud Pulse

Positive Mud Pulse - MWD

The positive pulse measurement while drilling system (PP-MWD) principle is based on the temporary restriction of drill string mud flow to create a series of pressure spikes that form acommunicative pulse waveform that is decoded using surface equipment. Downhole configurations are fully modular adding the flexibility of adjustments specific to BHA. KAMBI’s PP-MWD new design reduces survey time and increases reliability for deeper drilling applications. Our system has minimal moving parts, which allows for extended downhole life and simple maintenance.

Reliable surface decoding is further enhanced with the added option of wireless systems for long-range communication between rig and command center. Quality sensor measurement is made possible through industry standard magnetometer and accelerometer packages, including API standardized gamma ray modules.

KAMBI’s PP-MWD is fully retrievable and reinsertable which reduces potential downtime and lost in hole equipment.



XEM MWD has revolutionized electromagnetic technology and is the most powerful EM tool on the market. The technology is specifically designed to overcome the TVD limitations inherent with EM technology due to changing formations and variations in downhole resistance. This EM system is engineered for performance drilling in deep horizontal applications including overbalanced, underbalanced, and high LCM environments.

KAMBI XEM is the ideal MWD tool for all directional drilling applications by giving precision Inclination and Azimuth, Gamma Logging, Pressure While Drilling (PWD) and Vibration While Drilling (VWD-Real-time shock and vibrations).

The XEM High Voltage (HV) tool self-regulates the output voltage and current for optimum performance. Auto-adjusting, High Voltage Transmitters automatically select the necessary power usage for the formation resistance. This results in the ability to drill deeper than previous EM tools as well as increases efficiency by decreasing time spent troubleshooting, down linking, and obtaining directional surveys. The new receiver is a major improvement featuring multiple channels and reference points for improved decoding without the need to amplify signals as well as noise cancelation.

LWD – Logging While Drilling

Logging While Drilling tools acquire high-quality data for accurate geo-steering and formation evaluation during the drilling process, so you can work proactively as you drill.

Gamma Ray Logging

Gamma Ray logging is a method of measuring naturally occurring gamma radiation to characterize the rock or sediment in a borehole. It is a common and inexpensive measurement for geosteering. A log of the total natural radioactivity is measured in API units. The Gamma Ray Logging tool is available with any KAMBI MWD system.


Focused Gamma Logging

Focused Gamma Ray Modules have a 90-degree sensor window enabling a directional component to the gamma measurement. The focused gamma ray tool detects radioactivity in both the upper and lower sections of the borehole in addition to formation correlation capability, the focused gamma ray tool allows detection of approaching bed boundaries in near horizontal wells while drilling, allowing controlled drilling between bed boundaries.


PWD – Pressure While Drilling

Pressure-While-Drilling (PWD) Sensor, provides crucial downhole pressure information that allows optimized drilling efficiency and monitoring wellbore hydraulics. This cost-effective solution delivers real-time and recorded pressure measurements to help avoid a lost circulation and detect flow or kicks immediately. The PWD Sensor also monitors ineffective cuttings removal and poor hole cleaning. The tool is designed to deliver a wide range of real-time annular, bore, differential pressure, and temperature near-bit measurements


PR2 – Propagation Resistivity

The PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool provides industry-standard Phase Difference and Attenuation Resistivity measurements at 2 antenna spacings and 2 frequencies, providing 8 total Resistivity measurements.

The PR2 also provides optional Bore & Annulus Pressure and 3-axis Shock Measurements. The PR2 is designed to add resistivity measurements to existing KAMBI Positive Pulse and Electromagnetic telemetry MWD systems.


Azimuthal Gamma and Continues Inclination Measurements

The azimuthal gamma ray tool provides a wide range measurement from basic correlation to real-time borehole imaging and geosteering. An azimuthally symmetric measurement is one which measures equally in all directions around the tool. KAMBI ‘s azimuthal gamma offers 16 sections of gamma imaging. It is an excellent tool for geosteering and well placement in the pay zone of a reservoir. Continuous inclination measurement allows instantaneous wellbore trajectory monitoring while drilling to help make corrections and reduce dogleg severity.


Shock & Vibration Real-Time Monitoring

KAMBI offers the DynamX - 3 Axis Shock and RPM Sensor Package for use. The data captured and transmitted by DynamX gives our clients the ability to monitor their downhole drilling conditions and adjust drilling parameters to optimize drilling efficiency in real time.

Shock and vibration events in the drilling environment generally cause damage as a result of cumulative effects on downhole components. By monitoring shock and vibration on real-time tool measurements along with surface indicators, timely changes can be made in the drilling parameters to mitigate the accumulation of shock and vibration damages seen by the BHA.

KAMBI’s 3 Axis shock and vibration detection system “tells” you what happening to your BHA.



Slick HD

SLICK HD ( Heavy Duty) is a drop in replacement Servo Pulser Module that is fully compatible with the QDT-Tensor MWD system. It incorporates cutting edge technologies to achieve significant improvements in performance.

SLICK HD features a rotary shear valve that provides exceptional performance in high solids and high LCM environments while simultaneously minimizing the pressure loss through the servo module, thus allowing greater forces to be imparted to the main valve assembly. The wiping action of the rotary shear valve clears away any compacted debris and ensures unobstructed flow through the system.


Other Technology

Kambi has strategic alliances with key technology suppliers. We are capable to provide the leading-edge technology of Rotary Steerable Systems, Near Bit Measurements, LWD services, and other associated drilling technologies.