The GRT is an advanced imaging laterolog device, incorporating four independent receiving electrodes to create an azimuthally-sensitive resistivity measurement. This capability allows the GRT to detect a nearby bed, determine whether it is conductive or resistive, and ascertain its direction and distance. Unlike competing tools, it is not necessary to rotate the GRT to obtain directionaly-sensitive resistivity measurements. Directional resistivity data from the GRT can be graphically presented on a surface display (patents pending) in an enhanced version of the familiar compass rose drillers display typically employed in directional drilling. A continuously-updated borehole image showing the distance and direction to conductive/resistivity anomalies enables the operator to intelligently direct the drilling process, without having to study resistivity logs.


  • Directional, horizontal and re-entry wells

  • Logging While Drilling (LWD), gamma, resistivity, temperature, vibration

  • Logging While Tripping

  • Operating temperature (150ºC) and pressure (20,000psi)

  • MWD Wireline retrievable design (minimum 2.25in I.D.)

  • Available real-time gamma measurements for LWD (focused gamma available) Downlink capability for selectable operating modes Proven software and firmware for efficient decoding

  • Adaptable tool configurations and programming flexibility

All your directional drilling needs in one place.