Welcome to KAMBI


Industry leading technology, operational expertise and product development enables us to continually provide professional and efficient solutions for our customers.


MWD is in our DNA

We take pride in our expertise and hold ourselves to the highest standards while continually striving to become even better. No matter the problem, we have a solution.

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Your Go-To
MWD & LWD Provider

Our success is due to superior technology, company values and a talented team. We have an array of directional drilling tools and highly trained staff ready to go!

Find out why we are industry leaders.


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Explore our portfolio

Kambi pairs innovative, robust technology with exceptional service delivery.

Our experienced management team and dedicated technicians offer accessible product expertise and operational support. Learn more about how our technology can advance any drilling project.

Client Testimonials

Our Services

We are a full service MWD company ready to take on any project, big or small.

Get the job done right!


Our Values

At Kambi, providing a safe and accident-free workplace is our priority.
Our employees and customers always come first.